(Kitco News) - Week 2 of Invest Like The Experts (#InvestLike) is here and we are asking our industry experts where they’d invest $100,000 in 2016.
Remember, Kitco News will be running this feature every Friday for the next few weeks. A new expert will be unveiled every week so be sure to come back to find out where some of the best investment gurus are putting their money next year. This week, we highlight best-selling author of Currency Wars and The Death of Money, Jim Rickards
PART I: Vince Lanci tells Kitco News how he’d invest $100,000
PART II: RBC's George Gero Gives His Investment Ideas For 2016
Expert:Jim Rickards
Claim To Fame:Currency guru, best-selling author of Currency Wars and The Death of Money
How would you invest $100,000 in 2016?
10% in gold and precious metals
30% in cash
20% in land and real estate
5% in fine art
10% in hedge funds (global macro orientation)
25% in private investments (private equity, venture, and angel investing with an orientation to technology and natural resources)
What factor will affect gold the most in 2016?
Geopolitics 5%
Monetary Policy 30%
Dollar 30%
U.S. Politics 5%
Inflation/Deflation 30%
Rickards noted that he considers monetary policy, dollar, and inflation/deflation to be the same thing with 90% explanatory power, so he gave each one an equal 30% weight.
What to hear more? Watch Kitco News’s one-on-one interview with Rickards and why he thinks the Federal Reserve will have to ease rates in 2016!
What is your New Year’s investment resolution for 2016?
“Work harder on entry and exit points. Getting an investment thesis right is only half of what you need to make money. The other half is getting the entry and exit points right. You can get a thesis right, but fail to maximize profits by either getting in too early or staying too long a the party.”
By Daniela Cambone and Sarah Benali of Kitco News dcambone@kitco.com and sbenali@kitco.com
Follow Daniela Cambone on Twitter @DanielaCambone and Sarah Benali @SdBenali