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2012-04-05 10:08:25

Theo thống kê, hiện có trên 250 dự án của các nhà đầu tư Thái Lan vào thị trường VN, với tổng số vốn đầu tư hơn 5,8 tỉ USD, thuộc nhóm 10 quốc gia, vùng lãnh thổ đầu tư lớn nhất vào VN.

2012-04-05 10:07:49

Theo kế hoạch, Sojitz - hiện đang nắm giữ 25,01% số cổ phiếu của Hương Thủy - sẽ mua thêm 25,99% số cổ phiếu.

2012-04-05 10:07:11

Cục Thuế TP.HCM vừa có văn bản góp ý dự thảo Luật sửa đổi, bổ sung Luật thuế thu nhập cá nhân (TNCN), trong đó đề xuất mức giảm trừ gia cảnh 9 triệu đồng/tháng.

2012-04-05 10:06:28

Ngày 4-4, tại Phủ Chủ tịch, Chủ tịch nước Trương Tấn Sang đã trao quyết định bổ nhiệm phó viện trưởng VKSND Tối cao cho ông Nguyễn Hải Phong và ông Bùi Mạnh Cường.

2012-04-05 08:18:35

Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond President Jeffrey Lacker said financial markets had assigned too high a probability that the Fed would begin a new round of asset purchases to reduce borrowing costs and spur economic growth.

2012-04-05 08:17:38

Bank of England Governor Mervyn King and his committee may vote today to complete their current round of stimulus as they get ready to debate next month whether to bring the program to a halt.

2012-04-05 08:16:39

Service industries in the U.S. grew in March, capping the strongest quarter in a year and indicating the world’s largest economy will keep generating jobs.

2012-04-05 08:15:01

European Central Bank President Mario Draghi quashed talk of an early exit from emergency stimulus measures as Spain struggled to borrow in financial markets, a reminder of the risk that the region’s debt crisis could flare again.

2012-04-04 10:01:16

Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta President Dennis Lockhart said the biggest U.S. employment gains in six years will probably be sustained, reducing the need for additional central bank easing.

2012-04-04 10:00:21

It took David Jeffrey more than a year to get back on his feet after losing his job at Sallie Mae. As of February, he is witness to the factory rebound that has boosted confidence among American men.

2012-04-04 09:59:37

Wage moderation in Germany may be coming to an end at precisely the wrong time for European Central Bank President Mario Draghi.

2012-04-04 09:58:54

The Federal Reserve is holding off on increasing monetary accommodation unless the U.S. economic expansion falters or prices rise at a rate slower than its 2 percent target.

2012-04-04 08:40:05

Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco President John Williams said the central bank must continue to act “vigorously” to boost the economy and sustain labor market gains.


2012-04-03 09:01:37

(Reuters) - The pace of growth in manufacturing picked up last month, even as measures of new orders and exports eased, underscoring how the economy is recovering at a gradual clip.

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