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2011-12-29 15:43:44

AUD/USD INTRADAY: THE DOWNSIDE PREVAILS. Pivot: 1.0135 Most Likely Scenario: Short positions below 1.0135 with targets @ 1.0045 & 1 in extension. Alternative scenario: Above 1.0135 look for further upside with 1.0175 & 1.02 as targets. Comment: The break below 1.0135 is a negative signal that has opened a path to 1.0045.

2011-12-29 15:43:19

USD/JPY INTRADAY: UNDER PRESSURE. Pivot: 78.00. Most Likely Scenario: SHORT positions below 78 with 77.65 & 77.5 in sight. Alternative scenario: The upside penetration of 78 will call for 78.1 & 78.2. Comment: The pair is under pressure and is challenging its support.

2011-12-29 15:42:47

GBP/USD INTRADAY: UNDER PRESSURE. Pivot: 1.5545. Most Likely Scenario: SHORT positions below 1.5545 with 1.5425 & 1.5405 as next targets. Alternative scenario: The upside breakout of 1.5545 will open the way to 1.5575 & 1.56. Comment: The pair remains under pressure.

2011-12-29 15:41:52

EUR/USD INTRADAY: UNDER PRESSURE. Pivot: 1.3015. Most Likely Scenario: SHORT positions below 1.3015 with 1.29 & 1.286 in sight. Alternative scenario: The upside penetration of 1.3015 will call for 1.305 & 1.308. Comment: The pair has broken below its support and remains on the downside.

2011-12-28 10:21:02

Pivot: 98.40 Most Likely Scenario: LONG positions above 98.4 with 100.5 & 101.4 in sight. Alternative scenario: The downside penetration of 98.4 will call for a slide towards 97.55 & 96.75. Comment: The RSI is mixed with a bullish bias.

2011-12-28 10:20:33

Pivot: 1603.00 Most Likely Scenario: SHORT positions below 1603 with targets @ 1582 & 1575. Alternative scenario: The upside breakout of 1603 will open the way to 1613.5 & 1617. Comment: The break below 1603 is a negative signal that has opened a path to 1582.

2011-12-28 10:19:57

Pivot: 1.012 Most Likely Scenario: Long positions above 1.012 with targets @ 1.022 & 1.0265 in extension. Alternative scenario: Below 1.012 look for further downside with 1.0085 & 1.0055 as targets. Comment: Even though a continuation of the consolidation cannot be ruled out, its extent should be limited.

2011-12-28 10:19:27

Pivot: 78.1 Most Likely Scenario: Short positions below 78.1 with targets @ 77.8 & 77.65 in extension. Alternative scenario: Above 78.1 look for further upside with 78.2 & 78.28 as targets. Comment: The pair is under pressure and is challenging its support.

2011-12-28 10:18:53

Pivot: 1.561 Most Likely Scenario: Long positions above 1.561 with targets @ 1.5705 & 1.5725 in extension. Alternative scenario: Below 1.561 look for further downside with 1.5575 & 1.5545 as targets. Comment: The pair is pulling back on its support ahead of a rebound.

2011-12-28 10:17:23

Pivot: 1.31 Most Likely Scenario: Short positions below 1.31 with targets @ 1.302 & 1.298 in extension. Alternative scenario: Above 1.31 look for further upside with 1.313 & 1.3195 as targets. Comment: The pair is rebounding but stands below its resistance.

2011-12-27 15:57:45


2011-12-21 15:46:59

Previouse All Metail

2011-12-21 15:42:20

Morning Report

2011-12-15 10:46:14

Pivot: 1.31 Most Likely Scenario: Short positions below 1.31 with targets @ 1.3 & 1.295 in extension. Alternative scenario: Above 1.31 look for further upside with 1.316 & 1.324 as targets. Comment: The pair is posting a rebound but stands below its resistance.

2011-12-12 17:28:40

ការព្យាករណ៍សំរាប់មួយអាទិត្យ ការព្យាករណ៍របស់ពួកខ្ញុំក្នុងសប្ដាហ៍នេះគឺល្អ។គ្រប់លោហធាតុនៅពេលដែលវាធ្លាក់តំលៃគឺវាមានសារះសំខាន់ជួយអោយតំលៃមាសសល់ត្រឹមតែ 1703,00 ដុល្លាក្នុង១​អោន ដូចដែលការព្យាករណ៍ដែលព្យាករណ៍ទុកមុន ។​ រូបភាពនៃខ្សែក្រាភិចគឺបានបង្ហា្ញ​ អោយយើងឃើញច្បាស់និងងាយយល់សំរាប់ចំនុចសំខាន់ក្នុងចំនុចរបស់ក្រាភិចជាច្រើនដែលងាយស្រួលនិងចំណេញពេវេលា។ពិសេសជាងនេះគឺ ខ្សែ​ SMA 20 , SMA 50គឺរាប់បញ្ចូលទាំងអាស៊ី និង អ៊ឺរ៉ុប ។​ជាការពិតវាធ្វើអោយយើងឃើញច្បាស់នូវក្នុងសប្ដាហ៍នេះ។ ប្រសិនបើយើងគិតម្ដងទៀតគឺធ្ចើអោយយើងយល់ច្បាស់តំលៃទាបបំផុតគឺ 1650,00 ដុល្លាក្នុង១​អោន និងតំលៃខ្ពស់គឺ 1802 ដុល្លាក្នុង១​អោន តំលៃនៃការធ្វើការទិញលក់ដែលល្អបំផុតសំរាប់​សប្ដាហ៍នេះគឺ​ 1602,00 ដុល្លាក្នុង១​អោន សំរាប់ការទិញ។​ និង 1785,00 ដុល្លាក្នុង១​អោន សំរាប់ការលក់។ -ចំពោះផ្លូវ និង បច្ចេកទេសគឺមានរយះពេលខ្លី ដែលតំលៃធំជាង គឺរង់ចាំចំណេញគឺ 1945 ដុល្លាក្នុង១​អោន ។ ប្រសិនបើតំលៃមាសទាបបំផុត គឺ​ 1475 ដុល្លាក្នុង១​អោន​ គឺតំលៃបិទទីផ្សារសំរាប់មួយអាទិត្យ។

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